How Journaling Can Improve Your Gut Health

How Journaling Can Improve Your Gut Health

What do writing words on paper have to do with healing your gut? The answers might surprise you. Journaling can help your digestive health in a few ways. There’s been a surprising amount of research d... ...more

Gut Health ,Journaling

August 30, 20212 min read

What Meditation Has to do with Gut Health

What Meditation Has to do with Gut Health

When you think of meditation you probably don’t associate it with better digestion and gut health. I know I didn’t until I learned just how much stress influences our gut health and just how powerful ... ...more

Digestion ,Gut Health Meditation &Stress Relief

August 30, 20212 min read

How I Use Self-Belly Massage for Better Digestion and Stress Relief

How I Use Self-Belly Massage for Better Digestion and Stress Relief

Massage is a powerful practice for improving circulation, removing unwanted toxins and calming the nervous system. The ancient Maya developed a type of massage specifically for the abdomen, other cult... ...more

Digestion ,Gut Health Massage &Stress Relief

August 18, 20212 min read

What Exercise Has to Do with Gut Health

What Exercise Has to Do with Gut Health

This month on the blog we are talking all about movement and how movement creates mobility (bowel movement). My doctors told me for years to get my body moving. That movement creates mobility. My answ... ...more

Exercise ,Get Things Moving &Gut Health

August 11, 20212 min read

4 Ways to Relieve Constipation

4 Ways to Relieve Constipation

Constipation is the pits, and it happens to everyone at some point. When you transition from a typical diet into a clean eating gut rejuvenating type diet, you might experience constipation. It’s fair... ...more

Constipation ,Gut Health

July 28, 20213 min read

Why L-Glutamine is my BFF

Why L-Glutamine is my BFF

Glutamine is synonymous with bodybuilding but did you know it’s useful for so much more than just muscle recovery? L-Glutamine helped me to heal my leaky gut, strengthen my digestive system and recove... ...more

Gut Health ,L-Glutamine

July 24, 20212 min read

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