Have you ever been asked to do something that scares the ___ out of you, but you know it is too good of an opportunity to say no? That is how I felt when I was asked to be on my first podcast. ME really, why do you want to interview me? After a few minutes I relaxed and enjoyed the process.John & Andrew are fantastic guys and great hosts. It was a lot of fun and showed me that…I CAN do this. We had a great discussion about the struggles of living with 30 years of IBS.


Angel and I meet when taking a one week challenge on how to start a podcast. I was so honoured then she asked me to me on her podcast. We talked about the importance of our gut health and how it effect so many four health issues including depression and anxiety.


The Wellbeing Portal is international health portal that gives small business from all over the world to give their staff access to an all inclusive health program. Small businesses know that the key to their success is their amazing staff and they want to give them access to a top quality health program but that usually costs a lot of money, money they just do not have. The Wellbeing Portal is designed for them. Designed to help them give their staff the health that they deserve and a cost they can afford.

Sara and I talked about how a few simple essential oils can help you Win Your Day from morning to that lat afternoon slump.